In an interview with MTV, Swift says that as an adult, she takes a different approach when writing about hurt and heartache.
“I had this song called ‘Picture to Burn,’ that’s talking about how ‘I hate your truck,’ and ‘I hate that you ignored me,’ ‘I hate you,'” she says of the tune from her 2006 debut album. “Now, the way that I would say that and the way that I would feel that kind of pain is a lot different.”
Swift adds that she has experienced a lot of personal growth since making her first album.
“I look back on the record I made when I was 16, and I’m so happy I made it,” she says. “I got to immortalize those emotions that when you’re so angry, you hate everything. It’s like recording your diary over the years, and that’s a gift.”
Still, she admits that her opinion about her music could change over time. “Years from now I’ll look back and go, ‘I didn’t know anything then,'” she says.