The superstar is speaking out about her racy “Edge of Glory” performance on “American Idol” that caused plenty of controversy, and she’s also got a blunt message for her critics.
Something else I uncovered on the shoot: Lady Gaga’s as gracious as they come.
Since it’s no secret that Gaga loves New York’s Lower East Side and as someone who loves the neighborhood as much as Gaga, I wanted to pick her up something special from a place that gave her so much.
Just a few steps away from my apartment is Economy Candy Store, an old-fashioned, family-owned candy shop that sells hundreds of different kinds of chocolates, candies, nuts and old-time favorites. In deciding on what to give Gaga, I knew I had to pick her up lots of candy – and throw in an Economy Candy T-shirt, because if she really likes the LES as much as she said she does, this would definitely make her happy.
So after Lady Gaga did her “Showbiz” Newsmaker interview with CNN’s Jason Carroll at the Gramercy Park Hotel, I gave her my gift. I told her that after a long day, I thought she could use some candy.
In response, she gave me a big smile and an even bigger hug.